At Century 21 Island Homes Property Management Division, we strive to provide a service that is repeatable and enduring for Centuries to come. We manage properties all across the island from Single Family Residences to Individual Condominiums represented owner’s investments providing families a home of their own.
Aloha! I’m Ian Wheeler. I served over 35 years of federal service to include 21 years of active-duty military. My accomplishments culminated as Battalion Sergeant Major receiving a Legion of Merit, and several other awards and accolades. I decided to give back by assisting families finding homes when the time is not right to purchase. Some of the most important attributes in business are understanding client needs and managing client expectations. In order to achieve this, one must be fluent in their craft, articulate, and understand environmental changes and constraints. Despite the challenges in the past few years, the housing rental market continue to remain strong and successful! Since 2014, I’ve single-handedly managed over 35 Single Family Residences and Condominiums. My oath to you, is to set myself apart from competitors and provide you the best service that you deserve! I will accomplish this by cultivating meaningful relationships, welcome challenges, and just being different! Meet Jason Schreur
Jason Schreur – Realtor Associate
- RS-85489
- 808.688.4381
- Jason(at)C21IslandHomes(dotted)com

Jason was born in Sacramento, at the same hospital as his mother. He never thought he would leave until his wife asked him, “what do you think about me taking a job on Oahu?” They now live happily in Kapolei, going on their third year! Jason has spent the last 20 years in the Sales and Service Sector, and truly prides himself on his work ethic and dedication to his clients. Due to his wife being in Property Management, the natural progression when he moved to Oahu was to also work in Property Management, which led to him getting his Real Estate License. Jason decided to work in Real Estate because helping others is his passion. For Jason, helping people find and own their dreams is a dream come true.
Jason is so excited to be a part of the CENTURY 21 Island Homes Brokerage and Property Management Team. He is ready to put his knowledge, skills, and work ethic to use for you!”